, Tulang Bawang-Located at Balai Keratun, Bandar Lampung City, Regent of Tulangbawang Hj. Winarti SE MH, attended the launching of the Regional Financial Planning and Management System (SIPPKD) application. This application integrates the e-planning system with e-buggeting, Tuesday (05/03/2019).
In the activity which was also attended by KPK Chair Agus Raharjo, Bunda Winarti, accompanied by Secretary of Regional Office Tulangbawang Ir. Anthoni MM, Chairperson of Tulangbawang Sopi’i DPRD, Head of DPKAD Rustam Effendi, Inspector of Pahada Hidayat Inspectorate, Head of Bappeda-Litbang Dicki Soerahman, Kadis PUPR M. Puncak Stiawan, Acting. Head of Communication and Information Agency Dedy Palwadi and Acting. Head of Bapenda I Nyoman Sutamawan.
In this activity, it was explained, that Tulangbawang Regency in the preparation of the Regional Budget (APBD) of the 2020 Budget Year (TA) will begin to effectively use the system.
Preparation and improvement of the necessary equipment is still being carried out, 2 servers have been provided to support this system.
The process begins with the preparation of e-ssh (standard unit of price). In the process of inputting e-ssh until now it has been completed. The price of goods inputted reaches 28,188 item types of goods.
Regent of Tulangbawang Hj. Winarti SE MH, said that the Development Planning Conference (Musrenbang) is currently underway at the Village and Sub-District level in Tulangbawang.
“After completion, the results of the Musrenbang will be inputting the results of the Musrenbang into the e-planning application. Then proceed to the RKPD up to the KUA PPAS, and the e-budgeting application is used when preparing RKA / DPA,” said Regent Winarti.(MNN Grup)